Nichola Pope

Learning in the Long Run: Practise and Trusting the Process

When we begin our journey as musicians, our time is filled with learning and practise. Drilling scales and perfecting our form could take hours every single day. But no matter how skilled you become, there will always be room for more improvement. There really is no end to getting better — a fact that can …

Fighting Burnout with Boundaries: How (and When) to Say “No”

When you first start out your career as a musician, you say Yes all the time. That’s because you have few opportunities to ply your trade and actually make money playing. But as you develop, you realise there are just only so many hours in a day. That means you need to be judicious with …

Fasting: How to Stay Healthy (Even On the Road)

[Disclaimer: I’m a musician, and I try hard to find out what works for my body. If you are planning on making large changes to your diet, it’s always important to talk to your doctor. This is not medical advice.] It can happen so easily. You’re on a tour, and you decide to go out …

Building a Strong Mind: Meditation, Visualisation, NLP, and CBT

[Disclaimer: The following is not mental health advice. If you or a loved one need a diagnosis or treatment for mental illness, seek out a professional.] Being on the road takes physical and mental fortitude. If you want to keep showing up for gigs and making the most out of the amazing opportunities life affords …